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Connection Point: Website Experiment - /gone page


This is an experiment I conducted as Director of Growth at ConnectionPoint Systems. It was one of a plethora of website conversion focused experiments I ran in my first few months in seat.


This wasn't a particularly impactful experiment, but it's a decent showcase of my approach to website experimentation. Oh, and I made a slide deck to present it and I still have it :)

The /gone page was our 404 page. As I was analyzing our website and seeking areas to experiment with, this page stuck out. It was our 10th most trafficked landing page and 22nd most viewed page overall. It was one of our worst performing pages in terms of bounce rate and conversion. 

A 404 page isn't the most fertile ground to experiment on, but as a fastidious growth enthusiast - I didn't want to leave that much traffic, particularly net new traffic, untapped. So I set up a simple experiment to assess the sensitivity of the page and traffic. 

The hypothesis was this traffic came to our site for a reason - probably a dead link. Therefore, we can and should connect them to value. The objective as mentioned above was to assess the sensitivity of the page to changes, to inform future experimentation areas (it was my 3rd month in seat). 

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