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Equity Portfolio: Page Overview

As I was thinking about where to begin here, I thought taking a look at my purchases by year is as good a place as any. I don't want to show actual $s on here, happy to talk about that offline if you're curious.


So what I've put below is a brief accounting of the equities I've bought and how they've performed. Clearly, this remains a WIP (#buildinpublicslowly).


Quick summary of tools used: 

  • Portfolio data from (love this site, pretty cool team behind it too). 

  • Price data from (no backlink, not the best API). 

  • Dividends data from good ol yfinance. 

  • Ticker information (sector, name, IPO date, etc.) from

  • Data notebook for python and sql (I'll share the notebooks one day, right now it's like my room when I was 15).

  • Data Warehouse - GCP BigQuery. 

  • Frontend -

Quick summary of methodology:

  • Data starts at purchase date and ends at sell date (if applicable). 

  • Return is calculated by combining price and dividend changes per share

    • Way harder to do than it sounds - I couldn't find this functionality in any online tool that combines portfolios. So I built it myself. 

  • Rate of return is calculated with this: 

    • (INVESTMENT + (SUM(RETURN_PER_SHARE) * QUANTITY)) / INVESTMENT) - 1 AS return_percentage

  • Annualized rate of return is calculated with this: 

    • ROUND(POW((ra.INVESTMENT + ra.return_absolute) / ra.INVESTMENT, (1.0 / ra.AGE_YEARS)) - 1, 2) AS annualized_rate_of_return​

  • And finally, Market Cap Categories are calculated with this: 

    •     CASE
              WHEN ci.MKTCAP >= 200000000000 THEN 'Mega-cap'
              WHEN ci.MKTCAP >= 10000000000 THEN 'Large-cap'
              WHEN ci.MKTCAP >= 2000000000 THEN 'Mid-cap'
              WHEN ci.MKTCAP >= 300000000 THEN 'Small-cap'
              WHEN ci.MKTCAP >= 50000000 THEN 'Micro-cap'
              ELSE 'Nano-cap'
          END AS market_cap_category​

2023 (as of May 2023)

2019 (as of May 2023)

2018 (as of May 2023)

2016 (as of May 2023)

2015 (as of May 2023)

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